Its been awhile, really awhile since my last update on this piece of blog. Lots of things has been going on and on for these few months, be it in working real hard for my exams, handling stress, vacation to Kuching and semester break in the mean time. Had the best time of my life as usual in these moments, though there were harsh and bitter times, but my life is once again be made even wonderful, I'm much supposed.
The day after my last day of exam, strolled down to MidValley for the "You Are the Apple of My Eye" movie. Rewinding back the days before the movie, I thought its going to be some sort of very random love stories, where the man and the lady would eventually be happy ever after, and set the ending. As usual, the movie started. Since then, I was absorbed entirely into it. How simple a love can be but end up, things went away from how it should be. If only 柯騰 listens to 沈佳儀's feelings during their first date, everything would be so different. Its the way how their love blossoms which of course, provokes everyone to once thought of how their young loves were like that too. Indeed, even I. Such a good movie. A memory for me.
經過這套戲, 我自己覺得的是有時候,有些東西,注定不是你的。。怎樣都好,都不會屬於你的。可能,人生本乃就不會那麼的完美。
5 years ago