Essences of Her Soul

Time leaves, time arrives... But words from the bottomheart of mine for the past and present are always craved in this corner of my very own... For I want my moments of life to be shared and immortalised...

World MIlk Day

"World Milk Day?" We actually have a day for milk?mayb the goodness of milk have to b much appreciated and so we have a DAY for milk!!
i was flipping over the newspapers 2day like usual, while feeding myself nasi lemak 4 breakfast..and it happened that the Dutch Lady advertisment went across my sight.."1st JUNE-WORLD MILK DAY..250000 free packets of milk given out TODAY_by Dutch Lady.."
Hmm..since milk is awared a day to assure its importance, we can have d others to b awarded too..World My Day??or World MiaoLing Day??haha..Great!!!


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